SIA ARNIKA emerges as a fashion brand delving deep into the realm of hybrid structures, where cultural echoes intertwine with unfolding narratives, birthing a distinct and alternative reality. The designs serve as a conduit for exploring the zeitgeist alongside ancient tales. Rooted in a harmonious blend of minimalism and maximalism, the brand's approach mirrors the delicate dance between anonymity and bold self-expression, perpetually tugging at the fabric of convention. "Reflecting on my upbringing on a small, secluded island in Denmark, I recall a potent cocktail of longing and a relentless urge to escape. This primal yearning for the unknown metamorphosed into an insatiable curiosity, a ceaseless quest to decipher the enigma of existence. For me, there's an irresistible allure in the creative tension that springs forth from the intersection of inspiration, tradition, and materiality. It's within this crucible of contrasts that innovation thrives."
VOGUE Germany und der FCG bringen die deutsche Ausgabe des Fashion Fund nach Berlin. Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs FCG/VOGUE Fashion Fund werden junge Designtalente gesucht, die einen innovativen und kreativen Ansatz verfolgen. Der / die Gewinner:in erhält ein Preisgeld sowie ein exklusives Mentoring Programm im Gesamtwert von 100.000 Euro.